Tuesday 22 May 2012


"Careless mistakes, careless memories, breaks down infront of me, I only wanted to have fun, why hurt me? Heart hard as stone with hidden fears, I love in silence no one hears, eyes of ice never to melt, locked feelings never felt, spirit of steel never broken, frozen emotions left unspoken.Its dark in this place once filled with hopes and dreams now change to pain and hatred.I don't know how to go back to the sunshine, I only know rain and right now I watch the moon its my only trusted friend .it understands and listens. Though it never talks to me throughout my life. its my last light. My last light of hope,dreams and my one love and that shall never die out".

Thursday 17 May 2012

BAcK tO BaSicS

i had forgoten what it was like to be a child agian.I do not care how old you are, now and then we have to live as a child, not act childish but live like one. Children have no care, they love laugh and share that is the world as they know it. I had become caught up in the world of Adulthood. I feel free now, i spoke to old mates, laughed and smiled without care and even tried to make new friends. The joy of allowing oneself to become vulnerable is far more precious than to protect oneself from the bitter world.

HAving Said thAt i shall continue to strive to become all that i can be and see the world in eyes of a child. Forgive without hesitation, cry when i am hurt love and laugh cause i can.

Thursday 10 May 2012

The path

Woke up feeling unworthy to be alive, a sense of anxiety set in at first light. A new day meant finding inspiration which has been hard to come by. Those reminders ofpast sin and a fading relationship with God added to the paradox of waking to inspire young minds. The fringe of my existance thus far has been based on false love and hope, hanging onto every word and sentance offered to me in the promise of finding solace. my dreams and faers no longer the fuel to my future, guilt and "love" a constant reminder of where i am in my life.
8:am this morning was going to be abit diiferent. I had forgton that i had to share for house prayer
80 boys were waiting for me to inspire and share with them. I was not ready or prepared. i was told on the spot that it was me that had to share.
15 minutes is all i had.
I then realised i had a story to share with them, that i had told people in bits and pieces.
8 years of my life have not made sense to me and so i went on to explian that.....
I was engineered to play sport but somehow life insured i did not.

In summary the path we choose is not always best for us, it takes years sometimes to realsie the talents we have are not meant for self glory in some cases. I have won plenty of games on the field but not as a player but as a coach. Thank God for who and what i have become.

Whenever you find yourself wondering how you got to a certian place in your life becuase that was not what you had in mind. Realise that every path you take is a path atleast taken.
We all have dreams and goals, share them and notice the change in you.