Thursday 14 March 2013

Stolen thoughts (DONG)

Did you know that your smile saps all my energy and makes me tremble beneath my feet?
that my heart recites linguistic toungues in silence, because spitting may taint it?
that my fears are the only thing rstricting me from allowing me to share my bodys every thought?
Did you know that i like drawing your face with every corner of my brian?
That i fantacise about your laugh, and correct myself when i get it wrong?
that my heart radiates at the slightestthought of you?
Did you know that i know you wonder if i ever think of you?
that your thoughts give me away and you find me sittingthere at the centre of your dreams?
I know im getting agead of myself, but i bet you didint know i could write a storyabout how you make me feel.....that my heart is brave enough to feel for you but my lips too cautious to whisper the words.
 If you didnt know, maybe you will know one day.

My job

I apear dull and pathetic for i am
i smell of fear and wear laziness for i am
i run and lie like a cheater for i am
i stael your time and money like a teacher for i am.

Big thanks to all those that taught me*

Thursday 7 March 2013


it seems every five steps i take i myself drag my feet back 6. so i now take 6 steps bak and jump 7. I guess slow and steady it is. I have lost all sense of accomplishment even that attached to my name????? i have however found something worth living for. is it true that live begins when you give up? or is it when you are 40. Well am getting there somehow. for some reason i have this feeling am going to die young. then i was told the good die young, so thats that amd pulling a Mugabe. The amount of self hate,doubt,guilt all attributedd to sin is revolting i must say even though its not that bad i guess. but who am i kidding whenever you compare your acts or sins to some1s you know its late. so i was told off the other day by my "friend" after talking to noni about it, it seems it was a bitter act shown through compassion. it takes real guts to tell some1 off. i appreciate anyone who can do that with me. got to much wok now, plus am tryintg to get things ryt with me though am floping. I shall soon share what i have been writing. Dark days gloom, hello sunshine jesus strom come......